What's your online reputation?
March 21st 2012A website is certainly a key component of any dental practice marketing plan. And search engine optimization, which enables your website to rank higher in search engine results, also is an important strategy. But the unsung hero in today’s world of online marketing is most certainly the burgeoning field of online reputation management.
Practically Speaking | Avoid recruitment nightmares
March 21st 2012This is a cautionary tale for anyone who is, was, or will be recruiting for new team members…my intent is that we include everyone, so that none of you become the next cautionary tale…It could be a very expensive mistake! Let’s start at the beginning. Recruiting and hiring new talent is not a job for the timid. This job is mission-critical and will require exceptional perceptive and investigative skill along with great tenacity and focus.
Leveraging your time for fun and profit
March 21st 2012You strive to deliver to your patients the best possible oral health care in a safe, friendly and professional environment. At the same time, you owe it to yourself and your team to smoothly juggle the many components of a professional business: personnel, marketing, accounts payable, risk management and more. Oh, you also hope to reserve some time for family, community and personal interests.
PracticeWorks customer awarded LEED certification
March 21st 2012June 4, 2010 ATLANTA – PracticeWorks, LLC, the exclusive maker of KODAK Dental Systems, announces one of their customers, Dr. Alec Elchahal, has been awarded the Gold Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification by the U.S. Green Building Council. LEED certification offers third party verification that the building was designed and built using strategies aimed at improving performance such as energy savings, water efficiency, and CO2 emissions.
New Solutions to Solving the Age-Old Challenges of Finding Temporary Staffing for Dental Offices
March 21st 2012Twenty years of managing people and dealing with HR issues for number of large IT organizations prepared me surprisingly well for my first-hand work in the front end of a two-doctor dental office. The lessons learned carry over to address some of the challenges of running a successful practice.
Independent contractor vs. employee
March 21st 2012The status of an individual working for someone can be that of an independent contractor or an employee. Sometimes, businesses hire other businesses to perform services and at times, the term “outsourcing” is used. This term describes the transfer of responsibility to others for the performance of the service in question. It limits the responsibility to the business needing the service and shifts its responsibility to others and away from the enterprise in question needing the service to be completed.
Dismissing patients from your practice
March 21st 2012One of the most frequent calls we get on our Hotline at Pride Institute is the dentist or team member asking when and how to dismiss a patient from the practice. There is usually a long story involved and lots of confusion. Typically, they have waited far too long to take this action and have endured a lot of stress as a result. True, it can be uncomfortable. And true, it is easier to hope the patient just goes away. But that rarely happens. Dismissal protocol
Think like a CEO: Your online marketing checklist
March 21st 2012When deciding to enter the world of marketing, it’s essential for dentists to start not only with an idea of what they’d personally like to accomplish, but also what experts agree are the most urgent and important marketing strategies. This approach enables dental practices to create a more measured and organized marketing plan based on what works in the real world, rather than simply focusing on what might subjectively feel “important” in the moment.
Marketing Insider: Success with Web-based marketing, Part I
March 21st 2012Value Defined We all want and deserve to receive value for our investment. Value can mean different things to different people. One might value getting his or her website up and running quickly, while another might be more exacting and patient. One practice might value appearance more highly than function. Still another might prefer quantity over quality of website visitors.
Marketing Insider: Making a difference
March 21st 2012If someone were to tell you they knew about a powerful practice building tool that involves no selling, costs little (or nothing) to implement, enhances patient loyalty, encourages referrals, attracts new patients, builds team morale, makes a positive difference for those in need, is repeatable, and lots of fun, would you want to learn more?
Applying A-dec LED dental operatory light in your dental practice
March 21st 2012The A-dec LED Dental Operatory Light delivers a combination of color temperature accuracy and high color rendering index value that reportedly give the truest illumination on the new dental product market. It also features a thin profile, passive thermal management, and easy positioning.
Becoming a better appointment coordinator can mean new patients
March 21st 2012You may be finding it more challenging to fill both the doctor’s schedule and the hygiene schedule and keep them filled. Many patients have had financial setbacks because of our still challenging economy, and many other patients seem reluctant to spend money on anything but what they consider essential. Maybe your number of new patients has declined too? Here are some steps that self-directed appointment coordinators can take to keep the schedule full and productive and also increase the number of new patients:
The myth of the perfect new patient
March 21st 2012Most dentists I talk to have an image in their heads of the ideal new patient. Not only does this person come in to the practice needing extensive care, he or she also understands the value of dentistry and has therefore budgeted the money to start comprehensive treatment right away. On the surface, this seems to make sense-after all, patients with high need and a high dental IQ offer the best opportunity for revenue, right? Not quite.
Marketing Insider: Let your humanity show
March 21st 2012Successful case acceptance-especially among new patients-begins long before case presentation. When a new patient enters your office, his antenna is finely tuned for all messages-spoken and unspoken-that will help him form an impression of your practice. When that impression is positive, it increases your chances of treatment acceptance.
"It's very inclusive and we just love it."
March 21st 2012our goal is to be totally paperless by 2012, and to get that accomplished we knew we needed to convert to digital x-rays. XLDent was able to provide the digital x-rays and other things we needed to benefit our practice. They’ve been wonderful in helping us get to where we want to be. We’re not 100% paperless yet as we still use paper charts on a minimal basis, but otherwise we’re pretty much all the way there.