9 Things You REALLY Need to Know About Digital Imaging
April 8th 2015The first time you bought a computer, terms like server, gigabyte and RAM (among others) were probably somewhat befuddling. Every technological thingamajig has its own vocabulary and concepts, which can be confusing to those new to the device.
The Top 5 dental lab trends of 2014
March 25th 2015Over the past 12 months, the dental lab world has gone through many changes-some good, others much harder. 2014 was a year of accelerated technological growth, providing labs with opportunities that didn’t exist only a few years ago, while also presenting them with competition and challenges that were similarly unthinkable relatively recently.
Focus on ROI: Is your technology delivering?
March 23rd 2015It was a fantastic gizmo when the sales representative showed it to you. You could hardly wait to bring it online. Everyone was excited in the office. But after a few months, excitement waned, and the gizmo touted to be the next best thing became the next big expensive thing collecting dust in the corner of your practice.
CAD/CAM: Having it all ... your way
March 19th 2015It’s all just ones and zeroes, off and on. It’s just that simple. It’s hard to believe that when a 25-year-old Texas Instruments engineer named Jack Kilby demonstrated the first integrated circuit, one person’s response was “But what is it good for?” That little integrated circuit, the off or on, the one or zero, gave birth to the digital revolution.
From IDS 2015: One dental assistant's perspective on the show and dental assisting around the world
March 16th 2015During the recent IDS meeting in Cologne, Germany, Modern Dental Assistant took a few moments to sit down with Angela (Guanzini) Severance, RDA, CDD, the founder of and member of the Modern Dental Assistant Editorial Advisory Board.
3D Systems and Henry Schein enter multinational distribution agreement
March 9th 20153D Systems announced it has entered into a multinational distribution agreement with Henry Schein, Inc., the world’s largest provider of health care products and services to office-based dental, animal health and medical practitioners.
From traditional to now: Taking your lab from the past into the future
March 6th 2015It should come as no surprise that the dental lab industry has-and continues to-grow and evolve. From George Washington’s ivory dentures (despite what you heard on the elementary school playground, they were not wooden) to porcelain-fused to metal crowns to today’s all-digital, full-arch cases, the way we do things has constantly grown. Even within the modern CAD/CAM systems, progress continues.
The List: Top 3 products that can help your dental clients take better impressions
March 6th 2015While the technology surrounding dental impressions has come a long way, you may still have some problems with them. This month's list focuses on the top 3 products that can help your dental clients take better impressions.
Making processed baseplates more efficient [VIDEO]
February 24th 2015Several authors over the years have written about the benefits of using processed baseplates as the surest way to present a stable, retentive platform on which to take bite registration records and set denture teeth on for try-in evaluation. Other benefits include providing the exact fit to be expected prior to the finish of the case, and providing a treatment tool to help clinicians illustrate the deficiency or success of treatment expectation to their patient.
The relationship between the dental practice and the dental laboratory: Q&A with Lee Culp, CDT
February 22nd 2015I have had the privilege of knowing and learning from Lee Culp, CDT, for the last eight years. It always interests and inspires me to learn how someone achieves so much and becomes known as an expert in his or her field.
Top 5 ways lab management software can save your lab time and money
February 10th 2015It can be complicated to keep track of everything happening around your lab. After all, you work hard on the bench top each and every day, providing your clients great esthetics and long-lasting quality-and then you have to run a business and all that comes with that.
Step-by-step with Sirona inLab: Great detail work with one workflow [VIDEO]
February 10th 2015Completing a 7-unit lower anterior bridge using CAD/CAM scanning equipment requires a variety of detailed steps. Fortunately, today’s modern CAD/CAM systems, such as Sirona’s inLab system, can help speed up and simplify scanning, designing and milling.