How complete technology solutions have helped this practice succeed [VIDEO]

Dental Products ReportDental Products Report-2013-11-01
Issue 11

How three technologies from Biolase-WaterLase iPlus, NewTom VGi and the 3Shape TRIOS-have positioned Golan Family Dentistry as a leading-edge practice that puts optimal patient care and comfort first.

How three technologies from Biolase-WaterLase iPlus, NewTom VGi and the 3Shape TRIOS-have positioned Golan Family Dentistry as a leading-edge practice that puts optimal patient care and comfort first.

About three years ago, Dr. Howard Golan decided it was time the atmosphere at his practice reflected the high-tech, leading-edge dentistry he offers.

He practices with his father, Dr. Marshall Golan, who first opened Golan Family Den­tistry about 40 years ago. Dr. Howard Golan came on as his partner in 1998, and since then they’ve worked together to cre­ate a practice that focuses on treating the mouth as part of the body, not just individual teeth.

They offer their patients mini­mally invasive, preventative dentistry and all the high-tech products that make that kind of care possible, but until recently they practiced in the basement of a house. While it was a nice space, the father/son team began to outgrow it, and knew it was time to create a new, mod­ern practice that would wow their patients and better reflect the type of dentistry they offer.

After some searching, they found the right space to build their dream practice in Willston Park, N.Y., a space they could use to really showcase their technology and better do the type of dentistry they love. After working with an interior designer to create the look and feel they wanted, they moved into their new practice a year and a half ago. Today, the team couldn’t be happier with the modern atmosphere they were able to create.

“Patients who have been with us for many years are in shock,” Dr. Golan said. “It’s pretty amazing. I don’t feel self-conscious any more when a new patient comes in looking for technology. Our office now matches what we do.”

The importance of high-tech

The right technology is essen­tial to any dental practice, Dr. Golan said, and that’s why it is so important to him that his practice reflects that high-tech philosophy of care.

Dr. Golan has built his reputation on mak­ing technology and advanced treatment a big part of what they do at Golan Family Dentistry. Patients know he’s a high-tech dentist and that he offers the products that will make their time in the chair less stressful and more comfortable. Beyond that, using high-tech products in his practice keeps him passionate about his work.

“For me it’s essential. It makes my life easier. It makes me enjoy what I do more,” he said. “I’ve never been a ‘drill and fill’ guy. I call that pot­hole dentistry. That kind of dentistry can make you a lot of money but it didn’t work for me. I needed something different.”

Dr. Golan’s love of technol­ogy started with the laser, then expanded to cone beam tech­nology and digital impression taking. Thanks to products from Biolase-the WaterLase iPlus, NewTom VGi and the 3Shape TRIOS-Dr. Golan has the complete technology solution for diagnosis and treatment.

Laser dentistry

Dr. Golan first began using Bio­lase’s WaterLase in 2004, and is amazed every day by what he can do with it. He now uses the lat­est version, the WaterLase iPlus, and even teaches courses about laser dentistry and what it can do for a practice. Laser dentistry is an amazing technology, he said, and more dentists need to under­stand just how valuable it is.

“It’s built this practice. Peo­ple ask for it. They look for it."

"They’re amazed by it. They’re excited by it,” Dr. Golan said. “And it’s not just the patients; it’s me. What I can do with laser dentistry wows me every day. It’s hard for a dentist to find a reason every day to say ‘wow that was cool.’ We’re doing that every day because of what we can do with lasers.”

The benefits laser dentistry bring patients go far beyond the wow factor they experience when they first see it displayed in the practice. It’s a mini­mally invasive technology that reduces the bleeding and pain normally experienced with a variety of dental procedures, from cavity preps to soft tissue management to root canals, Dr. Golan said. The benefits have been tremendous over the years, attracting new patients to Golan Family Dentistry.

Cone beam imaging

About two years ago, Dr. Golan added the NewTom VGi to his technology mix. It seemed like the next natural extension, he said, and adding cone beam technology into his practice has improved diagnosis.

“It was to the point where the WaterLase had forced me to get better at diagnosing and under­standing why things happen,” Dr. Golan said. “There’s a limit to what 2D film can give you. I got tired of the ‘wait and see’ approach. Cone beam technol­ogy allows us to see things we couldn’t see before.”

And with this technology, his patients see the benefit right away, Dr. Golan said. The 3D scans really enable them to see what’s happening in their mouth, giving them a better understanding of why they need certain treatment. The 3D scans create accurate renderings that labs can use to create restorations that fit, and they can do it in less time. It’s also great for his patients who are concerned about radiation dose levels.

“The NewTom is spectacu­lar because it has safety fea­tures on it. It has five fields of view, which allows me to only expose patients to what I need then,” Dr. Golan said. “If I just need to look at a single tooth, I can do a 6X6 cm Field of View, or if I’m doing an orthodontic case I can do a 15X15 cm FOV. It has SafeBeam Technology. Every patient gets a different dose; the computer decides the dose. It takes scout images at a basic, very low dosage to make sure positioning is right, and then the machine calculates the necessary dosage to get what it needs. A child is different than a teenager, who is different than an adult.”

Introducing an intraoral scanner

CAD/CAM has been part of Golan Family Dentistry for about seven years now, but they just added the 3Shape TRIOS intraoral scanner to the mix about eight months ago, taking it to the next level. The TRIOS has enabled them to cut down treatment times while offering even more accurate impres­sions.

Patients love it because they don’t have to deal with the “goop” so often associated with impressions, and if Dr. Golan needs a re-take, it just involves a simple scan rather than four more minutes of impression material in their mouth. That also means less chair time for busy patients.

“Patients are amazed by it,” he said. “I had a patient I had to give nitrous oxide and topi­cal anesthetic to just to do an impression, and now there’s no issue. We had to get my son an orthodontic appliance, but he’s a mouth breather and a gagger. I couldn’t get an impression on him. He was great with this and had no issues. That’s a big, big change.”

The right products

Dr. Golan and the team at Golan Family Dentistry know how important product deci­sions are to the success of their practice. When Dr. Golan looks at a new technology, he asks himself if it will change the way he practices. Will it make his job easier, and his patients more comfortable. While ROI is an important factor, it’s not the only factor and not always the most important; finding products that improve the care he and his team provides is.

“Those three technolo­gies have really been robust in changing how we deliver den­tistry and how patients perceive us and where we’re going from here,” Dr. Golan said.

Not only that, Dr. Golan looks for products that will keep him excited and passion­ate about dentistry, products that make him look forward to coming to work every day. He’s found that with these three Biolase products, his total technol­ogy solution.

“It’s also about what it’s going to do for the patient and what it’s going to do for you, if it has a value for me to do better work, or to do more work and be excited about what I do every day,” Dr. Golan said. “When I use these three technologies, it really makes me happy. That’s really what it all boils down to.”


WaterLase iPlus

The dual-wavelength WaterLase iPlus all-tissue laser is said to deliver more power, control and versatility for experienced laser dentists. Reportedly able to cut hard tissue twice as fast as current laser systems, without the discomfort or risk of cross contamination associated with conventional drills, iPlus creates an optimal bonding surface.

The unit also features an intuitive applications-based user interface with a large, high-resolution touch screen programmed with more than 50 factory-loaded procedure presets. The iPlus with the proprietary 2780 nm YSGG technology is available in a dual-wavelength configuration with an integrated iLase 940 nm diode laser, or as a stand-alone unit. The completely wireless iLase will enhance the capabilities of the YSGG by providing a diode laser that can be used for unexpected soft-tissue cases in an adjacent treatment room, better control of bleeding, and the freedom to move around with no foot pedals or cords.


NewTom VG3

Newly launched under the NewTom banner, the NewTom VG3 takes an image at every degree of rotation, 360° rotation = 360 images, increasing the range of possi­bilities for image manipulation. A revolutionary flat panel X-ray detector produces the clearest, sharpest images possible. NewTom VG3 features an adjustable Field of View, which allows the operator to irradiate just the right volume, depending on the required clinical application.


3Shape Trios 3D Intraoral Scanner

Featuring Ultrafast Optical Sectioning technology, TRIOS® uses up to 1,000 3D pictures to create geometries based on real data. The scanner captures more than 3,000 2D images per second and does not require dentists to apply spray to coat the patient’s teeth, making scanning fast, accurate and comfortable for patients.

Dentists can preview 3D lab designs on the TRIOS screen, evaluate and agree on mar­gin lines, access virtual diagnostic wax-ups and generally discuss cases with labs and patients when convenient.


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