10 Questions: BEGO USA

Digital EstheticsDental Lab Products-2011-10-01
Issue 10

01. How does BEGO’s new Production Center fit into today’s laboratory market needs?BEGO’s new Production Center offers laboratories the freedom to think about their business in new ways.

01. How does BEGO’s new Production Center fit into today’s laboratory market needs?BEGO’s new Production Center offers laboratories the freedom to think about their business in new ways.

BEGO takes the responsibility of producing quality metal copings and bridges from open STL files and returns them in a timely manner. Decisions like this reward the laboratory with additional time to become more productive and increase profits.

02. What type of services does the Production Center offer?

We offer SLM (Selective Laser Melting) Non-Precious CrCo Wirobond C+ copings and bridges and our CAD/cast alloy products expand our coping and bridge offerings into High Noble, Noble and Type IV full coverage gold restorations. BeCe Wax-up allows us to take split files and produce articulating metal and wax for press-to-metal cases. BeCe Cast are precision wax/resin patterns ready for investing and casting in the laboratory.

03. Can you expand on SLM production?

BEGO has been developing and perfecting the use of industrial laser melting for dental applications for more than 10 years. SLM is a form of stereolithography that uses lasers to melt thin layers of CrCo powder into three dimensional shapes. The advantages are improved physical properties, no waste and affordable restorations.

04. Are today’s non-precious alloys different?

Newer manufacturing procedures, advancements in formulations, and focus on compliance, biocompatibility and patient safety have created a new generation of base alloys like Wirobond C+ where the Chromium is more than 20% in mass.

05. Why is the percentage of Chromium an important factor in choosing a base alloy?

All of BEGO’s NP alloys contain more than 20% Chromium by mass. When the Chromium mass is 20% or greater, it creates a passivity layer making the surface corrosion resistant and safe for the patient. Think about the number of patients who have allergic reactions to partial frameworks-they are almost nonexistent. Our SLM Non Precious Wirobond C+ has 26% Chromium.

06. Is outsourcing here to stay?

More so today than ever. Technology and new materials are changing at a rapid pace. This doesn’t allow the majority of laboratories to offer all the innovations because of the costs associated and the educational requirements needed to produce in their own laboratory.

07. Are“component type” restorations the answer?

To be competitive and stand out among the rest, laboratories should take a hard look at bringing base component parts of the restoration into their laboratory and then apply their artistry to complete the case. We already see this with implant bars and zirconia. Why not metal frameworks?

08. Earlier you talked about “split STL files.” What are these exactly?

A split file from the design software makes press-to-metal restorations very easy. One design file creates the two restorations. BEGO’s Production Center produces a NP alloy coping or bridge along with an articulating wax/resin crown pattern. The pattern will have space for your opaque layer for proper seating. Just wax in the margin, invest and press. You can double your production and profits overnight.

09. Is casting alloy becoming a lost art?

From the number of trouble-shooting phone calls we get every day about casting, I would say yes. The problem I see is the knowledge and expertise is not being passed down to the younger technicians. For example, a technician has a short casting--determining why it miscast is the lost knowledge. Was the problem a low casting temperature, low burnout temperature, spruing method, casting force, trailing edge or something else. Our Production Center brings consistent metal frameworks to the laboratory every day.

10. What is the biggest advantage to metal framework outsourcing?

More owners are starting to question whether it is a wise business decision to tie up working capital in precious alloy inventories. In today’s economic times and high gold prices, many laboratory owners are finding it is much smarter to outsource their metal castings and “pay as you go.” Saving time and money while giving them the freedom to increase their production-this is what the BEGO Production Center offers.

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