The DMD Check-Up: Is Bottled Water Hurting Kids' Teeth?


Here's a look at the top dental industry news from the past week.

Is bottled water leading to mounting oral health problems among youth? That question tops this week’s DMD Check-Up. Also making the list: research shows sealants are a great idea, but one expert says another common procedure -- wisdom tooth extraction -- needs more research.

Dentist: “Drink Tap Water”

(The Toledo Blade)

Speaking out in the face of mounting oral health woes among the nation’s youth, an influential Ohio dentist says: “that getting away from drinking tap water is part of the issue. I’m not blaming bottled water, but I definitely think it is factoring in; usually there isn’t fluoride in bottled water.”

Defending Your Children’s Teeth (and Dentists): The Value of Sealants

(The New York Times)

A healthcare economist offers up a useful review of dental sealants: “Your dentist has probably offered dental sealants for your child. Mine has. Without knowing whether they work, I’ve always accepted them. Turns out, this was a good move.”

Dental Assistant Careers Looking Bright

(Dentistry iQ)

A positive projection about the employment future of dental assistants. “Dentistry in the US is undergoing a transformation and as dentists just starting their careers realize how valuable assistants are for their practices, the more in demand they'll become.”

Payers and Providers Make Dental Care a Population Health Issue

(Health IT Analytics)

“A growing recognition that oral health and access to dental care are tightly tied to the development and management of other chronic diseases is turning cavities and cleanings into a significant part of the healthcare industry’s broader population health management programs.”

Collection Rate for Dentists Dropping, Take Action

(PR Web)

With most dental practices reporting lower payment rates, an industry executive offers up some worthwhile tips on how to get the cash flowing. “A dental practice is, fundamentally, a small business. It has to be run like a business, with sound systems and procedures put in place, kept updated, and followed,” explains Boyd Industries CEO Adrian LaTrace.

The Pill That Could “Cure” Alcoholism

(The Guardian)

“France is ground zero for clinical research on Baclofen, a drug said to eliminate alcohol cravings. The medication will soon be more accessible than ever—but not everyone thinks that’s a good thing.”

Death and the Dentist

(CBS News)

This week’s sensationalism in dentistry news: “In his only TV interview, a New York dentist vows to ‘48 Hours’ that he didn't kill his lover's husband—who happens to be his best friend.” The police said: “This whole case was odd.”

Little Evidence for Removal of Symptom-Free Wisdom Teeth

(Fox News)

“Given the fact that wisdom teeth are removed on a large scale worldwide, it’s surprising that high quality research is lacking,” said lead researcher Hossein Ghaeminia of The Netherlands writing in the

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews


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