A look at some of the products and solutions on display at dentistry’s biggest show.
About 2,305 companies were on display at IDS this year, the world’s leading trade fair for the dental industry.
This year’s show, which was held in March in Cologne, Germany, placed a heavy emphasis on digitizing and streamlining the design and manufacturing process within dentistry. Innovations in CBCT systems, milling machines, design software and materials were on display as companies from around the world showcased their new products and technologies.
Related reading: 10 things we saw at IDS 2017 that blew us away
Here, we’ve rounded up some of the most interesting products that made their debut at this year’s show.
Click through the slides to check out some of the top products from IDS 2017.
Ceramill Zolid HT+
Ceramill Zolid HT+, a high translucent zirconia, reportedly combines high mechanical parameters with excellent esthetics. Its strength of over 1,000 MPa is in the same range as the HT zirconia Ceramill Zolid; however, the new material is said to have greater light optical properties. An optimized manufacturing process is engineered to positively influence the milling of the blank. The white Ceramill Zolid HT+ portfolio will include pre-stained Preshade blanks in 16 VITA tooth shades.
Amann Girrbach
800-851-3719 | amanngirrbach.com
CEREC SW 4.5, with its intelligent tools, is said to make it even easier for newcomers to enter the world of digital prosthetics. Its features include even greater user-friendliness, realistic visualization, increased speed and high-quality results. The intuitive user interface of the software is essential for a fast yet precise workflow. In addition, the number of steps necessary for a restoration reportedly has been considerably reduced and many are performed automatically.
Dentsply Sirona
844-848-0137 | dentsplysirona.com
Form 2 Printer
The Form 2 is said to be the most advanced desktop 3D printer ever created. A powerful, 250mW precision laser is guided by custom-built galvanometers, engineered to deliver prints with spectacular detail. A new peel mechanism and heated resin tank reportedly create a reliable print process for large, solid parts and small intricate details. Users can easily send prints over Wi-Fi, reprint previous jobs, and manage the print queue with a new touchscreen interface and wireless connectivity.
617-702-8476 | formlabs.com
VPI Emergence Profile Management System
The VPI Emergence Profile Management System kit is designed to contain all the tools needed to create the optimum natural emergence profile, including a VPI EP Indicator and VP EP Mold. The mold template is engineered for assistants to use to simply fabricate a custom healing abutment that replicates the natural shape of the emergence profile, regardless of size. The Indicator reportedly helps clinicians determine the proper size and shape of the healing abutment that the patient needs. The kit also contains guide pins to evaluate the correct position and angulation of the implant.
Innovato Holdings
+306 972550373 | innovatoholdings.com
OP 3D Vision
The KaVo OP 3D Vision X-ray system, with 9 FoV sizes and various low-dose settings, is designed to offer great flexibility when choosing the exposure mode. The system is upgradeable to meet the needs of growing practices. The OP 3D Vision utilizes QuickScan+ for 3D X-ray exposures with reportedly only 4.8 seconds cycle time and ultra low radiation dose. Visual iQuityTM allows for optimized 3D image quality and clarity, while the SmartScan STUDIO TM touchscreen is engineered for quick and simple operation with a user-friendly operating concept.
888-275-5286 | kavo.com
PrograMill line
Ivoclar Vivadent introduced four new milling machines at IDS 2017: three designed for laboratory use (the PM3, PM5 and PM7) and one for chairside milling (the PrograMill One). The laboratory mills are designed for wet and dry milling procedures and suitable for a wide spectrum of indications. The PrograMill One is reportedly the world’s smallest 5-axis milling machine, combining industrial manufacturing quality with high precision and modern design. A comprehensive range of accessories supplements the new machine portfolio.
Ivoclar Vivadent
800-533-6825 | ivoclarvivadent.com
Natural Dental Implants AG unveiled a 3D-printable REPLICATE Tooth, which is currently available in Europe and will be available in the U.S. pending FDA approval. The tooth is made up of a titanium root portion fused to a zirconia abutment portion, similar to the currently available milled version. The REPLICATE Tooth can reportedly be manufactured to fit into the patient’s current tooth socket, eliminating the need to drill.
Natural Dental Implants AG
866-503-0552 | replicatetooth.com
Trefoil concept
Nobel Biocare showcased its new Trefoil concept, which fits a prefabricated framework over three implants to create a fixed, final, full-arch restoration. The product can be placed on the day of surgery and is engineered to be adjustable, allowing clinicians to compensate for any inaccuracy in the placement of the implants. The Trefoil concept is expected to be available in the U.S. in 2018.
Nobel Biocare
800-322-5001 | nobelbiocare.com/trefoil
TruPrint 1000
The TruPrint 1000 is a 3D printer that provides a multi-laser option for selective laser melting. By printing with two lasers, the printer reportedly increases productivity by 80 percent. A recoating system is engineered to enable powder recoating and laser exposure partly in parallel. Additional features are said to include quick installation, ergonomic handling and an intuitive touchscreen.
860-255-6000 | trumpf.com
X-Mind Trium
Combining high-quality spatial resolution with a significant reduction in X-ray doses, X-Mind Trium is reportedly the most powerful and comprehensive CBVT system on the market. It is designed to adapt to the growing needs of dental offices by pairing 2D panoramic with 3D imaging and digital cephalometric analysis when necessary. Its 3D imaging is said to offer high precision of the anatomy from a single scan and provide a full understanding of the patient’s jaw.
ACTEON North America
800-289-6367 | acteongroup.com
X1 4-in-1 CBCT scanner
The X1 4-in-1 CBCT scanner is designed to deliver CBCT, panoramic, cephalometric and face scanning in one system. Featuring 3Shape’s unique motion compensation technology, the X1 reportedly creates uniquely clear and precise images by limiting blurring and motion artifacts, delivering images that are more accurate. No head fixation and a sleek design are said to create a comfortable scanning experience.
908-867-0144 | 3shape.com
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