Open the Lines of Safety Communication


Infection control, among other dental practice operations, benefit from an information free-flow. Learn how to get that flow going with this free e-book by Karen Daw with sponsorship from SciCan.

For better or worse, we live in an interconnected age. That is, we have more access to information than any time in human history. But it is a double-edged sword. On one hand, information, on seemingly everything, is easily within reach. Sometimes, however, that information is so abundant that it overwhelms us. Think about your smartphone, for example. Unless you’ve disabled them, you probably get countless notifications every day that you’ve received a text, an email, or someone has responded to one of your social media posts. With so much access to information, we seem to be losing the fine art of communication. And in the era of COVID-19, safety dialogue is more important than ever.

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