Grammee from Blue Sky Bio
Grammee from Blue Sky Bio. Image credit: © Blue Sky Bio

// Photogrammetry System
Blue Sky Bio has announced a new dental implant Photogrammetry System, called Blue Sky Bio Grammee, powered by Tupel 3D. This scanner is designed to measure implant positions accurately, efficiently, and affordably, according to Blue Sky Bio. The battery-powered and wireless system touts a ±6 micron repeatability with an angular repeatability of ±1/30th of a degree for enhanced accuracy. This accuracy is made possible by Blue Sky Bio’s “Iterative Noise Reduction” system, which enables narrow camera separation and small posts. The scanner also hosts an LCD display that makes viewing implant positions easier. Grammee touts Wi-Fi connectivity as well as USB 2.0, USB 3.0, or Wi-Fi data transfers. The scanner reportedly calibrates in 1 minute and 30 seconds while scan time comes in at 20 seconds. This is all dependent on number of posts and CPU cores, according to the company. It outputs an STL CAD file for implant positioning, including abutment data and scan bodies to inform the next steps in implant design. Software features include auto-calibration, scanning feedback, and an auto merge that is said to be able to combine up to 10 posts per jaw.