America's Best and Worst Places for New Year's Eve Celebrations


WalletHub used several indicators, including the nightlife options, legality of fireworks, and restaurant meal costs to come up with this ranking of US cities. Some might surprise you.

More than 100.5 million people plan to travel at least 30 miles from home for New Year’s Eve, according to WalletHub, the personal finance website. If you’re wondering where to celebrate 2017, WalletHub rates Orlando, FLA, as the best destination, and North Las Vegas, NV, as the worst.

Some of the other top picks might surprise you: Buffalo, NY, ranks at number 5, and Pittsburgh, PA, comes in at number 9, narrowly beating Las Vegas, which holds the number 10 spot.

WalletHub’s study analyzed the 100 most populated cities in the US according to 20 criteria, including the legality of fireworks, number of nightlife options, restaurant meal costs, lowest price for a three-star hotel, walkability, and traffic congestion.

Toasting 2017 doesn’t have to break the budget. The vast majority of consumers—83 percent—spend $200 or less on festivities. WalletHub’s findings and fun facts may help you pick a place for your New Year’s getaway or the list may convince you to celebrate at home.

Click to the next page to see the Best US Cities for New Year's Eve in 2016

1. Orlando, FL, ranks as the top spot with a 76.96 score out of a possible 100.

2. San Francisco, CA, rates 71.90.

3. Atlanta, GA, 71.60

4. Denver, CO, 68.78

5. Buffalo, NY, 67.52

6. Cincinnati, OH, 67.49

7. Miami, FL, 66.96

8. St. Louis, MO, 66.85

9. Pittsburgh, PA, 65.55

10. Las Vegas, NV, 65.54

Click to the next page to see the Worst US Cities for New Year's Eve in 2016

WalletHub’s Worst US Cities for New Year’s Eve 2016

1. North Las Vegas, NV, ranks worst with a 27.94 out of a 100

2. Newark, NJ, ranks second worst with a 38.46

3. Garland, TX, 39.24

4. San Bernardino, CA, 40.20

5. Fremont, CA, 40.71

6. Arlington, TX, 40.73

7. Gilbert, AZ, 41.43

8. Fort Worth, TX, 41.75

9. Henderson, NV, 41.86

10. Chula Vista, CA, 41.88

WalletHub’s Cities with the Lowest Average Wine Price

1. Indianapolis, IN

2. Lincoln, NE

3. Sacramento, CA

4. Phoenix, Mesa and Chandler, AZ, tied for fourth place.

WalletHub’s Cities with the Highest Average Wine Price

1. North Las Vegas, Henderson and Las Vegas, NV, tied for first place

2. Anchorage, AK, came in second

3. Boise City, ID, came in third

$1,160 plus is the average cost for a couple to enjoy a New Year’s Eve dinner and show in New York City, the most expensive city for the dinner and show combination.

$480 is the dinner plus show average in Washington, DC, the least costly city for a dinner and show.

360 million glasses of sparkling wine are consumed.

61% of Americans pray on New Year’s Eve.

20% of all charitable donations are made in the final 48 hours of the year.

44% of Americans plan to kiss someone at midnight.

11,974 are the average number of births on September 23, 9 months after New Year’s Eve, compared to 7,792 average births on New Year’s Day.

Follow Candyce H. Stapen on Twitter: @FamilyiTrips

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